5 Jan 2024

CTET Practice Set 2024 Mock Test Questions for All Levels (TGT & PRT)

CTET Practice Set 2024 Model Questions for Mock Test - Level-1 & 2
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image : CTET Practice Set Modal Questions @ TeachMatters
Check here Latest CTET Practice Set/Mock Test Paper 2024 for CTET 2024 Exam based on the latest revised and updated syllabus and exam pattern of Central Teacher Eligibility Test. This practice set contains objective multiple choice questions including all sections of the TET Paper (Child Development and Pedagogy, Hindi Grammar, English Grammar, Mathematics, Science, Social Science, Hindi, Sanskrit & other subjects and topics).

Check latest practice questions for CTET PRT & TGT Exam 2024.

CTET Practice Set/Mock Test/Model Test Paper

CTET 2024 अभ्यास प्रश्नोत्तर : प्रैक्टिस सेट हिंदी में

1. N.C.F. 2005 ने सर्वाधिक बल दिया है –
(1) ज्ञान की संरचना पर
(2) अवधारणाओं को रटने पर
(3) कठिन सवालों को हल करने पर
(4) तेजी से गणित करने पर

2. परिपक्वता का एक उदाहरण कि जब बालक सीखता है –
(1) पढ़ना
(2) चलना
(3) साइकिल चलाना
(4) चित्रांकन करना

3. बुद्धि-लब्धि ज्ञात करने का सूत्र दिया था -
(1) थार्नडाईक ने
(2) विलियम स्टर्न ने
(3) अल्फ्रेड बिने ने
(4) टरमन ने

4. ‘सफलता ही सफलता का आधार है’ थार्नडाईक के किस नियम की पुष्टि करता है -
(1) प्रभाव का नियम
(2) अभ्यास का नियम
(3) तत्परता का नियम
(4) उपरोक्त सभी

5. ‘सीखना विकास की प्रक्रिया है’, कथन है –
(1) क्रो एंड क्रो
(2) मैंक्डूगल
(3) वुडवर्थ
(4) मर्फी

6. “पहले हम हमारी आदतों का निर्माण करते हैं, फिर हमारी आदतें हमारा निर्माण करती हैं-” यह कथन किसका है ?
(1) रास
(2) गेसल
(3) ड्राईडेन
(4) फ्रायड

7. Motivation शब्द की उत्पत्ति किस लैटिन शब्द से हुई है –
(1) Move
(2) Motum
(3) Mot
(4) Movie

8. प्राथमिक विद्यालयों के बालकों के लिए बेहतर है –
(1) विडियो अनुरूपण
(2) प्रदर्शन
(3) स्वयं के द्वारा किय गया अनुभव
(4) इनमे से सभी

9. 0-25 बुद्धिलब्धि को कहते हैं –
(1) मूर्ख बालक
(2) जड़ बालक
(3) पिछड़े बालक
(4) मंदबुद्धि बालक

10. खेल की अवधारणा शिक्षा जगत को दी है –
(1) वाटसन
(2) फ्रोबेल
(3) विलियम
(4) जेम्स

उत्तर : 1. (4) 2. (4) 3. (2) 4. (1) 5. (3) 6. (3) 7. (2) 8. (3) 9. (2) 10. (2).

>> CTET Child Development and Pedagogy Practice Set in Hindi >>

See: Important Child Development and Pedagogy Questions in Hindi

CTET Child Development & Pedagogy Practice Set Test Questions

1. Which of the following statements about children is correct?
(1) Children are passive recipients of knowledge
(2) Children are problem solvers
(3) Children are scientific investigators
(4) Children are active explorers of the environment

2. In order to build a good support with students, a teacher should
(1) Love his/her students
(2) Be friendly with all
(3) Pay individual attention
(4) None of these

3. Which of the following is not a sign of reading difficulty among young learners?
(1) Reading speed and fluency
(2) Understanding words and ideas
(3) Spelling consistency
(4) Letter and word recognition

4. Gifted students are
(1) Convergent thinkers
(2) Divergent thinkers
(3) Extrovert
(4) Very hard working

5. Maturity is associated with
(1) Natural growth
(2) Educational development
(3) Training skills
(4) Technological applications

6. Extinction of a response is more difficult following
(1) Partial reinforcement
(2) Continuous reinforcement
(3) Punishment
(4) Verbal reproach

7. Which of the following principles is not involved in lesson planning?
(1) Rigidity of planning
(2) Knowledge of pupils
(3) Clarity of objectives
(4) Knowledge of teaching

8. Good teaching means
(1) Giving complete informations
(2) Provide complete facts
(3) Chancing intellectual abilities
(4) Providing an appropriate guidance for learning

9. Which is included in mental reaction of thought?
(1) Imagination
(2) Guess
(3) Memory
(4) All of these

10. Expand NCF 2005
(1) National Curriculum Framework, 2005
(2) National Common Framework, 2005
(3) National Class Framework, 2005
(4) None of these

Answers: 1. (1) 2. (3) 3. (1) 4. (2) 5. (1) 6. (1) 7. (1) 8. (4) 9. (4) 10. (1).

>> Check More Child Development & Pedagogy Practice Sets

Other Important Links -
CTET Solved Question Papers
CTET Question Papers Level-1 & 2
TET Practice Sets for CTET & Other TETs
Child Development & Pedagogy Solved Papers


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