9 May 2016

CTET Solved Question Paper-1 May 2016 Haryana Exam 08.05.16

CTET May 2016 Solved Question Paper : Paper-I (08.05.2016)

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image : CTET Solved Question Paper May 2016 Paper-I @ TeachMatters
(Latest Updated: 14.05.16). Check solved question paper of CTET May 2016 exam held on 08.05.2016 for paper-1. CTET May 2016 exam was held on 8th May 2016 for Haryana state. This question paper solution is based on the official answer key of CTET 08.05.2016 exam.

CTET Solved Question Paper May 2016: Level-1 (class 1st to 5th) PRT

>> Part-I Child Development & Pedagogy (Q. No. 01 to 30)

Q. 1 Learning is an active process because :

Ans. Knowledge is constructed by the learner by acting upon it.*

Q. 2. In the context of students’ readiness to learn it is important for the teacher to :

Ans. Gauge the motivation of students to learn.

Q. 3. In an effective classroom :

Ans. The teacher encourages discussion and makes connections with the students’ previous knowledge and background.

Q. 4. Children develop interest in the classroom when :

Ans. The teacher encourages and appreciates each student to participate.

Q. 5. As children enter the school :

Ans. They should be allowed to speak in their mother tongue.

Q. 6. Which one of the following best describes a teacher’s role ?

Ans. The general attitude of the teacher should be to promote a feeling of security among the children.*

Q. 7. How can the teacher promote problem solving skills in the students ?

Ans. By providing students with diverse materials and encouraging them to explore their materials.

Q. 8. Children formulate their own strategies for learning. In this context, a teacher :

Ans. Needs to understand the children’s strategies and discuss and have a dialogue with children.

Q. 9. Which one of these factors plays a very important role in learning ?

Ans. Social context and emotions
Q. 10. ‘Early childhood’ refers to the period from :

Ans. birth to 5 years*

Q. 11. Knowing about principles of growth and development is important for a teacher because :

Ans. This knowledge would help the teacher to provide the children with appropriate learning opportunities.

Q. 12. A Child’s development is the result of :

Ans. A combination of heredity and environment.

Q. 13. Children :

Ans. Are influenced by the social and cultural context they grow up in.

Q. 14. A 5 year old child fails to reason that when water is transferred from a tall and narrow glass to a wide container the quantity of water remains the same. This is because :

Ans. She cannot reverse her thinking.

Q. 15. While riding a bicycle a boy prompts his sister – “Drive fast ! We will reach there earlier”. He is showing an understanding of :

Ans. Cause and effect

Q. 16. The process of adjusting, deleting sechmas and forming new schemas to maintain equilibrium is called :

Ans. Adaptation*

Q. 17. The term, “Private Speech” was first use by :

Ans. Vygotsky

Q. 18. According to Vygotsky, children learn a lot through _______ their peers.

Ans. Interaction with

Q. 19. Kohlberg’s idea of moral development has ___ levels.

Ans. three

Q. 20. Learner-centred approach is one in which :

Ans. Learners with the teacher’s guidance are made responsible for constructing their own understanding.

Q. 21. Intelligence includes :

Ans. A set of capabilities that allows an individual to learn.

Q. 22. “The importance of communication with others as a major factor in the development of a child’s language” is expressed by :

Ans. Vygotsky

Q. 23. If a teacher thinks that girls need to be given a different type of education which would help them become good wives and mothers, this type of thinking :

Ans. Promotes gender bias and restricts the potential of the girls.

Q. 24. Assessment should focus on :

Ans. Furthering learning.

Q. 25. Children with special needs should be :

Ans. Included in ‘regular’ set-ups with special provisions.

Q. 26. To deal with diversity in her classroom a teacher needs to :

Ans. Be sensitive to the social and cultural context of the students.

Q. 27. How would you identify a child with learning disability ?

Ans. By looking at their note books for writing*

Q. 28. A creative child has the following characteristics :

Ans. Original thought and expression

Q. 29. Creativity includes the ability to :

Ans. Do divergent thinking.

Q. 30. When a child’s capability in any particular area of development is low, it :

Ans. Has an impact on all areas of development.

Check CTET Child Pedagogy Solved Questions Previous Years

>> Part-II Mathematics (Q. No. 31 to 60)

Q. 31. It is often found that learners at primary level experience difficulty in comprehending word problems. This problem can be best addressed by :

Ans. Introducing word problems in mother tongue as well.

Q. 32. A teacher of Class III gives the following word problem on “subtraction” to the class :

Ans. Complementary addition

Q. 33. While working on fractions, a student of class V, does the question as follows :

2/3 – 1/3 = 1/0

As a teacher, which one of the following strategies would be most appropriate to follow?

Ans. Explain the error by using a fraction kit or paper folding

Q. 34. Which one of the following is the best resource to compare the areas of two leaves in class V?

Ans. Graph paper

Q. 35. Which one of the following is an important aspect of measurement of length?

Ans. Interation*

Q. 36. It has been found that ‘Games’ help in understanding mathematical concepts at primary level, as ‘Games’ :

Ans. Provide an opportunity for extension of concepts.

Q. 37. A good Mathematics textbook at primary level should :

Ans. Relate Mathematical concepts to everyday life of the child.

Q. 38. A 7-year-old boy recognizes all four sided regular figures as squares.

According to Van Hiele’s, he is at which stage of Geometrical thinking ?

Ans. Level I-Visualization*

Q. 39. The concept of ‘zero’ can be introduced best through which one of the following operations ?

Ans. Subtraction

Q. 40. Which one of the following is not part of Mathematics curriculum at primary stage?

Ans. Observation*

Q. 41. Which one of the following is most appropriate to assess children’s understanding of Mathematical concepts in Class I ?

Ans. Oral test

Q. 42. If 1011 × 101 = 103000 – 7 × _____, then the number which comes in the blank space (____) is :

Ans. 127

Q. 43. If (the place value of 6 in 16470) – (the place value of 6 in 7605) = 6 × _____, then the number which comes in the blank space (____) is :

Ans. 900

Q. 44. If the sum of common positive factors of 56 and 84 = 400 – 43 × ______, then the number which comes in the blank space (____) is :

Ans. 8

Q. 45. If the sum of remainders, obtained on dividing 32456 by 24 and 46951 by 83, is divided by 16, then the remainder will be :

Ans. 0

Q. 46. (The smallest common multiple of 16, 24 and 36) + (the common factor of 16, 24 and 36) is equal to :

Ans. 36

Q. 47. Nishu has six and a half dozen chocolates. She gave 1/6 of these to Ravi, 1/13 of these to Rahul and one half of these to her other friends. The number of chocolates left with her is :

Ans. 20

Q. 48. If 15 ones + 15 thousands + ____ tens = 16165, then the number in the blank space is :

Ans. 115

Q. 49. A drum contains 174 litres and 400 mlilitres of oil. This oil is filled into 32 containers each of equal size. How much is the oil in 18 such containers ?

Ans. 98.1 litres

Q. 50. On a map, a length of ¾ centimeter represents a distance of 240 km on the ground. What length on the map will represent a distance of two cities which are 1120 km apart on the ground ?

Ans. Three and a half centimeters

Q. 51. Which one of the following is not correct ?

Ans. One gram is one-hundredth of one kilogram.

Q. 52. The internal length and breadth of a cuboidal sotre are 16 m and 13 m respectively and its height is 11 m. There is another cubical store whose internal length, breadth and height are 8 m each. How many total cubical boxes each of side one metre can be placed in these two stores to a height of 7 metres ?

Ans. 1904

Q. 53. There are two pieces of wire each of length 272 cm. Using one piece, a square is formed and using the other piece, a rectangle is formed. If the side of the square is 18 cm more than the width of the rectangle, then the difference in their areas (in square cm) is :

Ans. 324

Q. 54. Which one of the following is true ?

Ans. The number of seconds in 2 hours is equal to the number of minutes in 5 days.

Q. 55. When fresh fish is dried it loses two-thirds of its weight. Reshma buys 963 kg of fresh fish at the rate of Rs. 25 per kg. She sells them, when dried, at Rs. 108.5 per kg. She earns a profit of :

Ans. Rs. 10753.5

Q. 56. John travelled a distance by a train for one hour 20 minutes at the speed of 60 km per hour, then by a bus for 54 minutes at the speed of 50 km per hour and then by a boat for one hour 36 minutes at the speed of 15 km per hour. Total distance travelled by him was :

Ans. 149 km

Q. 57. A teacher is engaging learners on topic, ‘Numbers’ in class I. Which one of the following is most appropriate approach to be followed by the teacher ?

Ans. Numbers should be introduced only after the learners have experience with counting.

Q. 58. Which one of the following is an aspect of “number sense” ?
Ans. One-to-one correspondence*

Q. 59. Which one of the following is most suitable to explain ‘1 ÷ ½ = 2’ to students of class IV ?

Ans. Using paper folding

Q. 60. A class II students reads 203 as twenty three. As a teacher, which one of the following activities would you do so that the students realizes her error ?

Ans. Using beads and strings

>> Part-III Environmental Studies

Q. 61. How are the monkeys that dance to entertain people, different from the monkeys that are free ?

Ans. Discussion

Q. 62. A teacher, maintains record of a child’s progress on a day-to-day basis and also keeps the observational narrative records of significant incidents in his life. The above activity is used as a/an :

Ans. Anecdotal record*

Q. 63. Which one of the following questions on ‘birds and their beaks’ would best give the child an opportunity to argue and analyse ?

Ans. Name a bird and describe its beak and explain how the shape of its beak is related to its food habit.

Q. 64. A class V teacher provides her students with a Neem leaf and a Mango leaf and asks them to state in which way they are similar to and different from each other. Which one of the following process skills will be used in answering this question ?

Ans. Observing*

Q. 65. Meeta always asks her students some open-ended questions in an EVS class. Her main objective could be developing students’ :

Ans. Creative thinking

Q. 66. The present syllabus of Environmental Studies is woven around some common themes. Which one of the following is not included in the list of themes ?

Ans. Air*

Q. 67. Which one of the following statements on EVS is in accordance with NCF-2005 ?

Ans. EVS to be taught as a composite area of study in classes I to V

Q. 68. A teacher organizes a group discussion on the topic, “Saving Water” in class V. The purpose of organizing this discussion is :

Ans. (A) to give an opportunity to all the students to speak. & (B) to develop multiple perspectives.
Q. 69. ‘Observation’ and ‘Recording’ are indicators of assessment. Which one of the following is the least appropriate way for assessment of these skills ?

Ans. Conducting a paper-pencil test.

Q. 70. A class V teacher and her students each grew a rajma plant in their respective plots. Every two days they checked its length and noted it. After 3 weeks, all of them depicted their results throught graphs. The process skills being emphasized in this tasks are :

Ans. Measuring and Communicating

Q. 71. Which one of the following will be effective for transacting the concept in class 5 ?

“Some materials float and others sink in water.”
Ans. Through observation, experimentation and inferencing

Q. 72. Which one of the following cannot be an indicator for assessment of EVS at Primary Level ?

Ans. Retention*

Q. 73. Which one of the following is most important for a mountaineer to carry ?

Ans. Oxygen kit

Q. 74. Which one of the following State / Union Territories has a coast on the Bay of Bengal ?

Ans. Puducherry

Q. 75. As example of a plant / tree whose seeds travel from one place to another by water is :

Ans. Coconut*

Q. 76. Which one of the following statements is true about Suneeta Williams ?

Ans. She is the second woman astronaut of Indian origin.

Q. 77. ‘Kahwa’ is special type of tea/beverage. It is popular in :

Ans. Kashmir

Q. 78. In an area villagers make their houses having very thick walls that are plastered with mud. The roofs of the houses are made of thorny bushes. In this area rain is very scarce and it is very hot too. This area must be in :

Ans. Rajasthan

Q. 79. Sweet potato is a root because :

Ans. (B) it grows under the soil/underground & (D) it stores food.

Q. 80. Every beehive has one queen bee, a few male bees and many worker bees. Which of the following statement/statements is/are true ?

Ans. ?

Q. 81. In which one of the following states is Tapioca grown ?

Ans. Kerala

Q. 82. Which one of the following can find its female partner many kilometers away just by her smell ?

Ans. Silk-worm*

Q. 83. Rashid took out his pair of spectacles and blew two-three times on it. The glass of the spectacles became hazy. The reason could be :

Ans. ?

Q. 84. The neighbouring states of Gujrarat are :

Ans. Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh and Maharashtra

Q. 85. ‘Madhubani is a traditional art form named after a village in the state of :

Ans. Bihar

Q. 86. Which one of the following is a correct statement ?

Ans. Malaria is caused when a female mosquito which has bitten a malaria patient, bites another person.

Q. 87. Rina stays in Delhi. She wants to visit her aunt in Gwalior. In which direction should she travel ?

Ans. South

Q. 88. Which one of the following is the least appropriate objective of Environmental Studies ?

Ans. To provide maximum opportunity to a child for acquiring skills of recall and memorization.

Q. 89. Stories and narratives are used in EVS textbooks because :

Ans. (A) they sensitise children & (B) children can probably empathise with characters.

Q. 90. Which one of the following statements about assessment procedures is least appropriate ?

Ans. Assessment should be carried out at the end of a term.

>> Part-IV Language-I (Hindi & English)

>> Part-V Language-II (Hindi & English)

>> CTET Solved Paper May 2016 Paper-II

Note :
  • This question paper is solved on the basis of official answer key of CTET May 2016. So, candidates are advised to check official answer key.
  • All parts of this paper solution have been uploaded here.

See Also :

>> CTET Answer Key Paper-I & II >> CTET Answer Key 8th May 2016 Paper-I & Paper-II

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