15 Sept 2017

DSSSB TGT Result 2020 : Selection & Cut-off Marks List One Tier Exam 2014

DSSSB TGT Result 2020 Cut-off Marks List, Answer Keys & Question Papers (TGT EXAM 28.12.2014)

(Latest Updated : 09.01.2020). Delhi Subordinate Services Selection Board (DSSSB) declared corrigendum result of TGT Social Science (12/13). The Board has already declared TGT Result 2020 of TGT English (4/13, 106/12 & 107/12), TGT Social Science (12/13, 13/13, 118/12 & 119/12), TGT Punjabi (115/12, 17/13), TGT Punjabi (17/13), TGT Urdu (18/13), TGT Sanskrit (14/13, 15/13, 116/12 & 117/12), (TGT Hindi (06/13, 07/13, 108/12 & 109/12), TGT Maths (08/13, 09/13, 110/12 & 111/12), TGT Domestic Science (67/10, 165/12), TGT Natural Science (10/13, 11/13, 112/12 & 113/12) & various posts of TGT. 

See here DSSSB TGT Result 2016-17 document verification schedule, Revised cut-off marks, open merit list & marks list of DSSSB TGT One Tier exam 28.12.2014 post codes 04/13 to 19/13, 106/12 to 121/12, 67/10 & 165/12.

DSSSB TGT Open Merit List, Cut-off Marks & Document Verification Schedule

The Board had declared TGT document verification schedule 2017 along with revised open merit list and cut-off marks for various subjects and post codes. Check below detailed schedule of document verification to be held in February and March 2017 as per the schedule.

  • Document Verification - TGT (Male) Sanskrit 116/12 : 28.07.2017
  • Document Verification - TGT Domestic Science 67/10 & 165/12 : 23.02.2017
  • Document Verification - TGT (Male) Social Science 12/13 : 23.02.2017
  • Document Verification - TGT (Male) Sanskrit 116/12 : 22.02.2017
  • Document Verification - TGT (Female) Natural Science 11/13 : 21.02.2017
  • Document Verification - TGT (Female) Natural Science 113/12 : 21.02.2017
  • Document Verification - TGT (Female) Social Science 13/13 : 21.02.2017
  • Document Verification - TGT (Female) Maths 09/13 : 20.02.2017
  • Document Verification - TGT (Female) Hindi 07/13 : 20.02.2017

DSSSB Revised Merit List, Cut-off Marks & Counselling Schedule 2016-17

DSSSB on 27.01.2017 released additional open merit list and revised Cut-off Marks for the post of TGT One Tier Exam 2014. The candidates who have their names in additional list are directed to appear for document verification as per the revised schedule.

Download TGT Sanskrit (116/12) Document Verification Notice & Schedule 2017 (14.07.17)
Download Dossier for TGT Sanskrit (116/12) Document Verification 2017 (14.07.17)
Download TGT Sanskrit 116/12 Additional List for Document Verification (10.02.17)
Download TGT Natural Science (11/13 & 113/12) & TGT Sanskrit 116/12 Additional List for Document Verification (10.02.17)
Download TGT Document Verification Notice dated 09.2.2017
Download TGT Natural Science (11/13) Additional List for Document Verification (08.02.17)
Download : TGT Revised Cut-off Marks, Merit List & Verification Schedule 2016 (27.01.17)
Download : TGT Domestic Science Revised Cut-off Marks, Merit List & Verification Schedule 2016 (27.01.17)
Download : TGT Revised Cut-off Marks, Merit List & Verification Schedule 2016 (14.01.16)

DSSSB TGT Result 2018 : List of Selected & Rejected Candidates

Check DSSSB TGT Result 2018 of TGT One Tier Exam 2014. DSSSB declared result, list of selected and rejected candidates for the various posts of TGT against advt. no. 02/2012 & 01/2013. Candidate can check the result of their subject given subject-wise at the below. Here is the detail.

DSSSB TGT Urdu & Punjabi Result : List of Selected and Rejected Candidates

DSSSB declared the result of TGT Urdu (Male) post code 18/13 and TGT Punjabi post codes 16/13 & 17/13 and uploaded list of provisional selected and rejected candidates.

Download TGT Punjabi List of Rejected Candidates Female (16/13) (28.06.2016)
Download TGT Punjabi List of Selected Candidates Female (115/12) (17.06.2016)
Download TGT Punjabi List of Selected Candidates Female (17/13) (15.06.2016)

DSSSB TGT Sanskrit (116/12 & 117/12) Result : List of Selected and Rejected Candidates

DSSSB declared the result of TGT Sanskrit (Male) post code 116/12 and uploaded list of provisional selected and rejected candidates.

Download TGT Sanskrit List of Selected Candidates Male (116/12) Notice No. 238 (06.04.18) Download TGT Sanskrit List of Rejected Candidates Male (116/12) Notice No. 185 (15.09.17) Download TGT Sanskrit List of Selected Candidates Male (116/12) Notice No. 184 (15.09.17)
Download TGT Sanskrit List of Selected Candidates Male (116/12) Notice No. 154 (15.06.17)
Download TGT Sanskrit List of Selected Candidates Male (116/12) Notice No. 153 (14.06.17)
Download TGT Sanskrit List of Selected Candidates Male (116/12) Notice No. 128 (24.03.17)
Download TGT Sanskrit List of Rejected Candidates Male (116/12) Notice No. 129 (24.03.17)
Download TGT Sanskrit List of Rejected Candidates Male (15/13) dated 19.10.16
Download TGT Sanskrit List of Selected Candidates Male (15/13) dated 19.10.16
Download TGT Sanskrit List of Rejected Candidates Male (14/13) (07.10.16)
Download TGT Sanskrit List of Selected Candidates Male (14/13) (07.10.16)
Download TGT Sanskrit List of Selected Candidates Female 117/12) (23.09.2016)
Download TGT Sanskrit List of Rejected Candidates Female (117/12) (233.09.2016)
Download TGT Sanskrit List of Selected Candidates Male (116/12) (23.09.2016)
Download TGT Sanskrit List of Rejected Candidates Male (14/13) (02.08.2016)
Download TGT Sanskrit List of Rejected Candidates Female (15/13) (02.08.2016)
Download TGT Sanskrit List of Selected Candidates Female (15/13) (02.08.2016)
Download TGT Sanskrit List of Rejected Candidates Female (117/12) (15.06.2016)
Download TGT Sanskrit List of Selected Candidates Female 117/12) (15.06.2016)
Download TGT Sanskrit List of Rejected Candidates Male (116/12) (10.06.2016)
Download TGT Sanskrit List of Selected Candidates Male (116/12) (10.06.2016)
Download Corrigendum TGT Sanskrit Result (116/12) (10.06.2016)

DSSSB TGT Hindi Result (06/13, 07/13, 108/12 & 109/12) Result : List of Selected and Rejected Candidates

DSSSB declared the result of TGT Hindi (Male & Female) post code 06/13, 07/13, 108/12 & 109/12 and uploaded list of provisional selected and rejected candidates.

Download TGT Hindi List of Rejected Candidates Female (07/13) Notice No. 159 Dated 03.07.17
Download TGT Hindi List of Selected Candidates Female (07/13) Notice No. 158 Dated 03.07.17
Download TGT Hindi List of Selected Candidates (109/12) dated 11.05.17
Download TGT Hindi List of Rejected Candidates (109/12) 11.05.17
Download TGT Hindi List of Selected Candidates (07/13) dated 11.05.17
Download TGT Hindi List of Rejected Candidates (07/13) dated 11.05.17
Download TGT Hindi List of Rejected Candidates (108/12) dated 19.10.16
Download TGT Hindi List of Selected Candidates (108/12) dated 19.10.16
Download TGT Hindi List of Selected Candidates (109/12) (19.08.2016)
Download TGT Hindi List of Rejected Candidates (109/12) (19.08.2016)
Download TGT Hindi List of Selected Candidates Male (07/13) (19.08.2016)
Download Corrigendum TGT Hindi Result Notice 40 dated 18.07.16 Female (07/13) (22.07.2016)
Download TGT Hindi List of Rejected Candidates Female (07/13) (18.07.2016)
Download TGT Hindi List of Selected Candidates Female (07/13) (18.07.2016)
Download TGT Hindi List of Rejected Candidates Male (06/13) (28.06.2016)
Download TGT Hindi List of Selected Candidates Male (06/13) (28.06.2016)
Download TGT Hindi List of Rejected Candidates Female (109/12) (07.06.2016)
Download TGT Hindi List of Selected Candidates Female (109/12) (07.06.2016)
Download TGT Hindi List of Rejected Candidates (108/12) (03.06.2016)
Download TGT Hindi List of Selected Candidates (108/12) (03.06.2016)

DSSSB TGT Social Science (12/13, 13/13, 118/12 & 119/12) Result : List of Selected and Rejected Candidates

DSSSB declared the result of TGT Social Science (Male & Female) post code 12/13, 13/13, 118/12 & 119/12 and uploaded list of provisional selected and rejected candidates.

Download TGT Social Science (12/13) Corrigendum Dated 09.01.2020
Download TGT Social Science List of  Rejected Candidates (12/13) dated 17.08.17
Download TGT Social Science List of Selected Candidates (12/13) dated 17.08.17
Download TGT Social Science List of  Rejected Candidates (12/13) dated 30.06.17
Download TGT Social Science List of Selected Candidates (12/13) dated 11.05.17
Download TGT Social Science List of  Rejected Candidates (12/13) dated 11.05.17
Download TGT Social Science List of Selected Candidates (119/12) dated 03.05.17
Download TGT Social Science List of Selected Candidates (13/13) dated 03.05.17
Download TGT Social Science List of Rejected Candidates (13/13) dated 03.05.17
Download TGT Social Science List of Rejected Candidates (13/13) dated 13.01.17
Download TGT Social Science List of Rejected Candidates (12/13) dated 19.10.16
Download TGT Social Science List of Selected Candidates (12/13) dated 19.10.16
Download TGT Social Science List of Rejected Candidates (119/12) (09.09.2016)
Download TGT Social Science List of Selected Candidates (119/12) (09.09.2016)
Download TGT Social Science List of Rejected Candidates (13/13) (09.09.2016)
Download TGT Social Science List of Selected Candidates (13/13) (09.09.2016)
Download Corrigendum TGT Social Science Result Notice 47 dated 27.07.16 Female (12/13) (28.07.2016)
Download TGT Social Science List of Selected Candidates (12/13) (27.07.2016)
Download TGT Social Science List of Rejected Candidates (118/12) (01.06.2016)
Download TGT Social Science List of Selected Candidates (118/12) (01.06.2016)
Download TGT Social Science List of Rejected Candidates (119/12) (31.05.2016)
Download TGT Social Science List of Selected Candidates (119/12) (31.05.2016)

DSSSB TGT Maths Male (08/13, 09/13, 110/12 & 111/12) Result : List of Selected and Rejected Candidates

DSSSB declared the result of TGT Maths (Male) post code 09/13, 110/12 & TGT (Female) 111/12 and uploaded list of provisional selected and rejected candidates.

Download TGT Maths List of Selected Candidates (110/12) Dated 07.09.2017
Download TGT Maths List of Selected Candidates (09/13) dated 22.08.17 Download TGT Maths List of Rejected Candidates (09/13) dated 17.08.17
Download TGT Maths List of Selected Candidates (09/13) dated 17.08.17
Download TGT Maths List of Rejected Candidates (111/12) dated 13.01.17)
Download TGT Maths List of Rejected Candidates (08/13) dated 13.01.17
Download TGT Maths List of Rejected Candidates (09/13) dated 19.10.16
Download TGT Maths List of Selected Candidates (09/13) dated 19.10.16
Download TGT Maths List of Rejected Candidates (08/13) (07.10.2016)
Download TGT Maths List of Rejected Candidates (110/12) (23.09.2016)
Download TGT Maths List of Selected Candidates (110/12) (23.09.2016)
Download TGT Maths List of Rejected Candidates (111/12) (08.09.2016)
Download TGT Maths List of Rejected Candidates (08/13) (27.07.2016)
Download TGT Maths List of Selected Candidates (09/13) (19.07.2016)
Download TGT Maths List of Rejected Candidates (111/12) (20.05.2016)
Download TGT Maths List of Selected Candidates (111/12) (20.05.2016)
Download TGT Maths List of Rejected Candidates (110/12) (19.05.2016)
Download TGT Maths List of Selected Candidates (110/12) (19.05.2016)

DSSSB TGT Natural Science (10/13, 112/12 & 113/12) & Domestic Science (165/12 & 67/10) Result : List of Selected and Rejected Candidates

Check the result of TGT Natural Science and TGT Domestic Science for various post codes uploaded as lists of provisional selected and rejected candidates.

Download DSSSB Result Notice 211 - TGT Domestic Science Teacher (165/12) (10.11.17) Download TGT Natural Science List of Rejected Candidates (10/13) Dated 07.09.2017
Download TGT Domestic Science List of Selected Candidates (165/12) dated 07.09.2017
Download TGT Domestic Science List of Selected Candidates (165/12) dated 07.09.2017
Download TGT Natural Science List of Rejected Candidates (11/13) Notice No. 169 (17.08.17)
Download TGT Natural Science List of Selected Candidates (11/13) Notice No. 168 (17.08.17)
Download TGT Domestic Science List of Selected Candidates (165/12) dated 18.05.2017
Download TGT Domestic Science List of Selected Candidates (165/12) dated 18.05.2017
Download TGT Domestic Science List of Selected Candidates (67/10) dated 15.05.2017
Download TGT Domestic Science List of Selected Candidates (67/10) dated 11.05.2017
Download TGT Domestic Science List of Rejected Candidates (67/10) dated 11.05.2017
Download TGT Natural Science List of Rejected Candidates (11/13) Notice No. 132 (24.03.17)
Download TGT Natural Science List of Selected Candidates (11/13) Notice No. 131 (24.03.17)
Download TGT Natural Science List of Selected Candidates (113/12) Notice No. 130 dated 24.03.17
Download TGT Natural Science List of Selected Candidates (113/12) dated 11.01.2017
Download TGT Natural Science List of Rejected Candidates (10/13) (07.10.2016)
Download TGT Natural Science List of Selected Candidates (10/13) (07.10.2016)
Download TGT Natural Science List of Rejected Candidates (11/13) (07.10.2016)
Download TGT Natural Science List of Selected Candidates (11/13) (07.10.2016)
Download TGT Natural Science List of Selected Candidates (113/12) (23.09.2016)
Download TGT Natural Science List of Selected Candidates (112/12) (08.09.2016)
Download TGT Natural Science List of Rejected Candidates (11/13) (04.08.2016)
Download TGT Natural Science List of Rejected Candidates (10/13) (04.08.2016)
Download TGT Natural Science List of Selected Candidates (10/13) (02.08.2016)
Download TGT Domestic Science List of Candidates (67/10) Called for Document Verification (28.06.2016)
Download TGT Natural Science List of Rejected Candidates (112/12) (16.05.2016)
Download TGT Natural Science List of Selected Candidates (112/12) (16.05.2016)
Download TGT Natural Science List of Rejected Candidates (113/12) (16.05.2016)
Download TGT Natural Science List of Selected Candidates (113/12) (16.05.2016)

DSSSB TGT English (4/13, 5/13, 106/12 & 107/12) Result : List of Selected and Rejected Candidates

DSSSB declared the result of TGT English post code 4/13, 5/13, 107/12 & 106/12 and uploaded list of provisional selected and rejected candidates.

Download TGT English List of Selected Candidates (106/12) (23.09.2016)
Download TGT English List of Rejected Candidates (106/12) (23.09.16)
Download TGT English List of Selected Candidates (107/12) (08.09.2016) 
Download TGT English List of Rejected Candidates (107/12) (08.09.2016)
Download TGT English List of Selected Candidates (5/13) (08.09.2016)
Download TGT English List of Selected Candidates (5/13) (28.06.2016)
Download TGT English List of Rejected Candidates (5/13) (28.05.2016)
Download TGT English List of Selected Candidates (4/13) (17.06.2016)
Download TGT English List of Rejected Candidates (106/12) (06.05.2016)
Download TGT English List of Selected Candidates (106/12) (06.05.2016)
Download TGT English List of Rejected Candidates (106/12) (02.05.2016)
Download TGT English List of Selected Candidates (106/12) (02.05.2016)

DSSSB TGT Urdu (120/12 & 18/13) Result 2016-17 : List of Selected and Rejected Candidates

DSSSB on 02.05.2016 uploaded list of 'Not Eligible' candidate for the post of TGT Urdu cat. no. 120/12. Earlier the board on 07.04.2016 declared the result of TGT Urdu post code 120/12 and uploaded list of provisional selected and rejected candidates.

Download TGT Urdu List of Selected Candidates Male (18/13) (15.06.2016)
Download TGT Urdu List of Rejected Candidates (120/12) (02.05.2016)
Download TGT Urdu List of Selected Candidates (120/12) (07.04.2016)
Download TGT Urdu List of Rejected Candidates (120/12) (07.04.2016)

See DSSSB Latest TGT Result & Selection List 2020

DSSSB TGT Document Verification Schedule 2016 - TGT One Tier Exam 28.12.2014

DSSSB declared list of provisional selected and rejected candidates for various posts of TGT. Pending and absent candidates can verify their documents on as per the schedule in the board premises. Detailed Verification schedule is given in the concerned list given above.

DSSSB through Notice No. 83 dated 01.03.2016 has given one more chance for document verification. DSSSB released document submission and verification schedule for the post of TGT. Candidates whose name were in the open merit list of TGT One Tier exam 28.12.2014 were directed to appear for submission and verification of document as per the revised schedule uploaded on the official website.

Document verification was held from 28.01.2016 to 11.02.2016 and 12.02.2016 to 19.02.2016 for various subjects/posts of TGT. Now the left out candidates can submit their documents on 15.03.2016. Here you can download verification schedule at the below link.
Download Notice - Final chance for Document Verification on 15.03.2016 (01.03.16)

Download DSSSB TGT Document Verification Schedule 2016 (12.01.16)

DSSSB TGT Counselling Schedule 2016 - ST & PH Category

DSSSB issued notice regarding counselling of ST category (post code 12/13) and additional list of PH category for the post of TGT/TGT (MIL) on 03.02.2016 & 15.02.2016 respectively.

Counselling Schedule/Details
  • ST Candidates of TGT/TGT (MIL) post code 12/13 : 16.02.2016 2.00 P.M.
  • PH Candidates of TGT/TGT (MIL) : 23.02.2016 10.00 A.M. to 12.00 Noon

Download Additional list of PH candidates (15.02.16)

DSSSB TGT Open Merit List & Cut-off Marks 2016-17 : TGT One Tier Exam 2014

Along with open merit list, DSSSB also uploaded cut-off marks for the post of TGT. Download here cut-off marks and open merit list of TGT One Tier Exam 2014.

Download : TGT Cut-off Marks One Tier Exam 2014 (12.01.16)

Download TGT Open Merit List One Tier Exam 2014 (12.01.16)

DSSSB Revised Merit List, Cut-off Marks & Counselling Schedule 2016-17

DSSSB on 14.01.2017 released additional open merit list and revised Cut-off Marks for the post of TGT One Tier Exam 2014. The candidates who have their names in additional list are directed to appear for document verification as per the revised schedule.

Download : TGT Revised Cut-off Marks, Merit List & Verification Schedule 2016 (14.01.16)

The marks list of above mentioned post codes for the post of TGT and Domestic Science Teacher has been uploaded on 24.11.2015 on the website of the DSSSB i.e. www.dsssb.delhigovt.nic.in. The final Result of TGT One Tier Exam 28.12.2014 will be declared on the basis of the marks list.

DSSSB Marks List : TGT One Tier Exam 28.12.2014

Download Marks List of DSSSB TGT Exam 28.12.2014. DSSSB on 24.11.2015 uploaded marks list of TGT One Tier exam 28.12.2014 for post codes 04/13 to 19/13, 106/12 to 121/12, 67/10 & 165/12. The candidates who appeared in TGT One Tier Exam 28.12.2014 can download the marks list and check their marks for the post they applied for. 

The marks list of all court cases candidates who were provisionally allowed to appear in the exam 28.12.2014 shall be kept in sealed cover and shall not be declared without leave of Hon'ble CAT. Here is the marks list of DSSSB TGT One Tier Objective Type Exam 28.12.2014.

DSSSB TGT Marks List One Tier Exam 28.12.2014

Download : DSSSB Notice regarding Marks List of TGT Exam 28.12.14 (23.10.15)

The DSSSB successfully conducted (One Tier-T) Examination (Multiple Choice Questions) of two hours duration for various post codes of TGT & Domestic Science Teacher on 28 December 2014 as per new examination scheme. DSSSB issued the (One Tier-T) Exam 2014 Notification for various post codes of TGTs and Domestic Science Teacher in 2014. You can get Answer Keys & Question Papers of TGT Tier-1 exam 28.12.14 here.

See : DSSSB TGT Answer Keys & Question Papers Exam 28.12.2014

Examination schedule, e-Admit Card and other relevant information are given below.

You can also see/download List of Provisional Eligible, Ineligible & Incomplete Application Forms of TGT TIER-1 Exam 2014 (28.12.14).

See Also : DSSSB Sample Question Paper for TIER-1 Exam

Additional List of Eligible Candidates for Post Codes 4/13 to 19/13

DSSSB TGT One Tier Exam 2014 : Exam Pattern, Syllabus Criteria

DSSSB One Tier Exam of TGT was held on 28.12.2014. Here is TGT One Tier Exam Syllabus, Exam Scheme, Exam Schedule, Qualifying Criteria & Admit Cards :

DSSSB (One TIER-T) Exam. (TGT) 2014 Schedule
  • Name of Department : Dte. of Education
  • Name of Exam            : One Tier-T (Tier-I) (MCQ)
  • Name of Post              : TGT & Domestic Science Teacher
  • Date & Day of Exam   : 28.12.14  (Sunday)
  • Time of Exam              : 10.30 A.M. to 12.30 P.M.
  • Post Codes                  : 67/10, 165/12, 106/12 to 121/12 & 4/13 to 17/13

The detailed scheme of examination, test components, syllabus and general instructions for candidates in respect of these post codes are given below and also being uploaded on the official website of DSSSB i.e. www.dsssb.delhigovt.nic.in.

DSSSB TGT One Tier-T Exam Scheme for 2014

Name of Exam    : One Tier (TIER -T) MCQ

Time                    : 2 Hours
No. of Questions : 200
Total Marks         : 200

Post Code
Post Name
4/13 to 17/13, 106/12 to 121/12,
165/12 & 67/10
English, Sanskrit, 
Social Science, Punjabi, Urdu, Natural Science, Domestic Science Teacher
Section-A : (100 Marks)
(20 Marks each)  
1. General Awareness
2. General Intelligence & Reasoning Ability
3. Arithmetical & Numerical Ability
4. Test of Hindi Language & Comprehension
5. Test of English Language & Comprehension.

Section-B : (100 Marks)
Subject/qualification relate paper

Exam Pattern & Syllabus : Each question will carry one mark. There will be negative marking and 0.25 marks shall be deducted for each wrong answer. Check syllabus and exam pattern at the below link.

Check DSSSB TGT Exam Pattern and Syllabus 2017-18 Qualifying Criteria

How to Download e-Admit Card :
  • The e-Admit Card for the above mentioned post codes of TGTs (Tier-I) Exam 2014 (except 67/10) are being uploaded on the official website of DSSSB i.e. www.dsssb.delhigovt.nic.in. and eligible candidates may download their e-admit card w.e.f. 15.12.2014 at 10 a.m. till 27.12.2014 upto 11:59 p.m.
  • The eligible candidates for post code 67/10 may collect their e-admit cards from the Board office w.e.f. 22.12.2014 to 24.12.2014.
  • Detailed instructions to download e-admit cards are given on the official website of DSSSB. In case any candidate of post codes finds difficulties in downloading the e-admit card he/she may contact DSSSB office on Telephone No. 22379204/22370307 or e-mail at addsssb.delhi@nic.in. up to 24.12.2014.

Download e-Admit Card for TGT Exam 28.12.2014 (closed)

How to Download Provisional Admit Card at DSSSB OARS :
    1. Visit www.dsssbonline.nic.in
    2. Click on Generate/Print eAdmit Card
    3. Check the Provisional Admit Card option
    4. Enter Your OARS Registration No. (DOB+ Xth Roll No.+ Xth Passing Year)
    5. Post Code will Automatically Show 
    6. Enter Your Date Of Birth
    7. Enter The Visual Code
    8. Press Submit Button
    9. Take the Printout of the Admit Card.

    Note: Allow the Popups From the website of dsssbonline.nic.in for the Admit Card.

    For OARS Registration, Provisional Admit Card for TGT click HERE.

    List of Incomplete Representations for Provisional Admit Card for TGT Exam 2014

    Updates : DSSSB released the list of Incomplete Representations for candidates recently applied for Provisional Admit Card in any post of TGT against various Post Codes (106/12 to 121/12) advertised vide No. 02/12, for which the Exam was held on 28.12.2014. These candidates had submitted their representations for Provisional Admit Card at DSSSB Reception upto 10.12.2014. 

    DSSSB informed these candidates that their Representation were found to be incomplete, hence, they were directed to submit their full details along with two colored passport size photographs and signature at Board's Office upto 05.00 PM on 23.12.2014 during office hours for issuance of Manual Admit Card/Hall Ticket for TGT One Tier Exam 2014 scheduled to be held on 28 December 2014.


    1. Respected sir
      what will be the procedure now ?
      one more exam or interview?

      1. After TGT One Tier exam there will be interview process.

      2. there is no interview in dsssb tgt.
        only document verification and medical.

    2. sir are three mark lists for sst cut off combined or separate kaisi hogi

    3. sir final merit will be separate for 118/12 & 12/13 or combined.

    4. sir i qualified dsssb tgt sanskrit exam may 2012 exam. I got 28th rank but i have qualified Ctet in nov 2012 after submitting form. is i am eligible for this post.

    5. no. u must have ctet before closing date of apply

    6. Sir plz tell me ..when be the next tgt maths test ??? M waiting ....

    7. respected sir,
      am working as TGT Natural Science teacher in Govt Aided School , Delhi.,now am selected as TGT natural science in DSSSB.
      kindly tell me...
      Is am eligible to join TGT in Delhi Govt school?
      Is my Pay Scale is Protected?
      How my seniority is decided?

      Arun Tanwar

    8. Respected sir,
      Please tell me when will the final cutoff list of post code 165/12 declare. Any expected date. What is the reason of late result. Please reply me on my mail hgoswami83@gmail.com.

    9. Expected cut off for TGT Computer Science DSSSB : http://www.examcompetition.com/dsssb-tgt-computer-science-cut-off/


    11. Sir dsssb ki waiting list aati h kya ? Because ur ki posts 1025 thi but inhone abhi 909 ko Hi call kiya h plz reply

    12. Answer key ke according 64 marks 1st section or 50 marks dusre section me ho rhe hain? Kya selection ho payega DSSSB Natural Science Male me sir? Cut off 120+ bta rhe hain bahut se candidates. Please reply.

    13. All new notification & recruitment


    HTET 2024: Fee Submission for HTET December 2024 Exam @ bsehhtet.com

    HTET 2024 Latest News 07-08 December 2024 Exam Schedule (Last Updated: 09.12.2024). HTET 2024 Update HTET December 2024 : Check Here L...